Can AI Outperform Humans?

This article explores 5 areas where AI already outperforms humans such as data processing and medical diagnostics as well as areas where human intelligence will remain superior.

Can AI Outperform Humans?

There are numerous studies that demonstrate that human beings are productive for only around 3 to 4 hours in a day. People also need to take breaks and pauses to balance their work and personal lives. But AI can work non-stop, without interruption. They think much faster than humans and multitask with accurate results.

The computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University developed an AI called “Libratus” that won the game Texas Hold 'Em Without Limit. What's impressive here isn't so much the fact that it won at poker, but the type of poker it won. In 120,000 hands, 'Libratus' defeated four Hold 'Em experts in what is known as an “imperfect information game”. Since then, the accomplishments of AI have been the topic of conversation in the city, with one of the main areas of focus for its use being medical diagnostics.

For instance, in the field of oncology and cancer diagnosis, it is a challenge for humans to have an absolutely accurate diagnosis. According to research by University Hospitals Birmingham, the delivery of results using AI systems correctly detected a pathological condition 87% of the time, compared to 86% of health professionals, and correctly approved 93% of the time, compared to 91% of human experts. Researchers from Rutgers University and Facebook's AI lab teamed up to create a system that sees two neural networks interact with each other to continuously improve their results. One creates a solution or image, the other judges in a continuous loop.

This is done until the desired result is achieved. The network of discriminators was trained on 81,500 paintings to create a knowledge bank. The point is to see what is classified and not classified as works of art. Among those things, AI has also started writing screenplays for movies.


is constantly pushing the limits of what machines are capable of doing.

But could machines ever be better than us? The answer is, of course, “yes”, at least in many things where our intellect used to be the undisputed champion of creativity and intelligence.

5 Areas Where AI Is Already Outperforming Humans

Here are 5 difficult intellectual areas where AI is already performing better than humans:
  • Data Processing: Compared to the human brain, machine learning (ML) can process more data and do so at a faster rate. This allows you to discover patterns in the data that would go unnoticed by a person.
  • Medical Diagnostics: AI has gone from fantasy to reality, thanks to its usefulness in everyday life. In the past decade, we have seen AI assistants go from being a novel feature on mobile devices to becoming “home assistants” that manage our homes and lives.
  • Creative Works: AI can produce creative works such as art, music and even works of writing. However, what these works lack is the exclusively human touch.
  • Critical Thinking: AI is often taught to perform tasks routinely, but it cannot make decisions when faced with contingencies that go beyond what it has learned.
  • Strategic Thinking: Like critical thinking, strategic thinking requires a person to be able to make decisions based on the analysis of information, including their complex relationships with each other.
In recent years, AI has advanced enough to be able to produce creative works such as art, music and even works of writing.

However, what these works lack is the exclusively human touch. AI can only produce creative works by imitating inputs, and it does so without understanding or awareness. But nothing compares to a creative work that is original, innovative, identifiable and capable of capturing and expressing human emotions and the human condition. This is why jobs that require creativity, such as writing, music, visual and performing arts, and even engineering and marketing are less likely to be replaced.

Conclusion: Is Artificial Intelligence Better Than Human Intelligence?

AI, in many cases surpasses humans. It's getting more sophisticated every day.

The Boston Dynamics demonstrations of robots turning backwards so that companies like AI can take over advertising are just a couple of examples. But it doesn't end there; let's see what AI can do better than humans. Compared to the human brain, machine learning (ML) can process more data and do so at a faster rate. This allows you to discover patterns in the data that would go unnoticed by a person.


, however cannot easily perform jobs that require social skills such as empathy and communication, creativity, strategic and critical thinking or imagination. In the future possessing these skills will be a crucial advantage as AI will take over simpler jobs. One of the soft skills that humans have and that AI does not possess is critical thinking.

While technology has advanced to the point where it can perform tasks with great speed and precision it is still by far incapable of employing critical thinking.


, meanwhile can get better at performing more complex tasks but what it can't do right now is go beyond the parameters of what it has learned. Humans on the other hand can use their imaginations to devise new solutions or strategies when faced with contingencies. In conclusion we can say that while AI, in many cases surpasses humans there are still many areas where human intelligence will remain superior for some time yet.